Add Multilevel Lists Or Create New Ones. You can have up to nine levels of numbering more than you are ever likely to need. 3 In the Define New List Style dialog type a name for your List.

On the Home tab of the Ribbon click the Multilevel Lists button and then click one of the built-in lists types shown on the dropdown menu. The truth is that technically single- and multi-level lists are not much different in Word. Do one of the following.
In the Define new Multilevel List dialog box click on the More button to see all the options.
In order to create one we must use the Multilevel button which is located in the Paragraph area of the Home tab. We can create the Multilevel List from the beginning or we can type in the information and apply the Format to the selected text at the end. 1 On the Home tab in the Paragraph group click the Multilevel List button. Expand the Multilevel list dialog box by clicking More in the lower left corner.