Odbc Drivers That Are Compatible With. When running on 64-bit Windows User DSNs will work with either driver. ODBC drivers that are compatible with Excel for Mac Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 for Mac If you want to import data into Excel for Mac from a database for example from FileMaker Pro you need an Open Database Connectivity ODBC.

The following matrix indicates driver version support for Windows operating system versions. From the Start menu navigate to ODBC Data Sources and then choose the Drivers tab. Locate the Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver from the list of installed ODBC drivers.
If you want to connect to SQL DB on the Data tab click New Database Query SQL Server ODBC.
The driver name in both cases is iSeries Access ODBC Driver. From the Start menu navigate to ODBC Data Sources and then choose the Drivers tab. The version of the driver manager odbc32dll determines to which driver the ODBC calls get routed. Compatible ODBC drivers are available from third-party vendors.