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Project Server Accounts Dialog Box. For those of who want more detail and pictures enjoy. Select an Info Exchange Server then click Add from the SMTP Relay tab of the Project.
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In the Project Server Accounts dialog box click Add. You can access this dialog box in any of the following ways. Starting with FileMaker Pro and Go 1922 released on March 16 2021 the login dialog box only shows the configured OAuth Identity Providers IdPs for the server the File is hosted on.
Accounts Receivable Tab of Project Review Dialog Box Use the Accounts Receivable tab to view data for individual invoices including the total amounts and aging data for the project selected.
Create a Project Server account. Double Click on the Account Profile to open the Open Project Dialog box. After you define configuration properties you can select a configuration from the Solution Configurations drop-down list on the toolbar. In the Confirm Password box reenter the password.