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Read Email Messages In Plain Text. Reading all messages in plain text will allow you to switch messages back to HTML. In the Trust Center dialog box to ensure that all e-mail is displayed in plain text place a check in both the Read all standard email in plain text and Read all digitally signed mail in plain text options.
Why Marketers Must Optimize Emails For Html And Plain Text Infographic Email Marketing Infographics Infographic Marketing Infographic from
Select Trust Center in the left pane. While they may not be nearly as attractive as HTML-based emails they play a significant role in a well-rounded email marketing strategy. To include messages that are signed with a digital signature click to select the Read all digitally signed mail in plain text check box.
The preview pane shows new message text when email arrives hoever when the email is opened the preview text disappears - and I just see the earlier part of the message which I had sent.
Its not just Gmail Yahoo mail and similar services. In the Trust Center dialog box to ensure that all e-mail is displayed in plain text place a check in both the Read all standard email in plain text and Read all digitally signed mail in plain text options. This setting applies to all emails even the ones that were already received. The preview pane shows new message text when email arrives hoever when the email is opened the preview text disappears - and I just see the earlier part of the message which I had sent.