Remove Formatting From Date Time Or. XstrftimeY step 2. If you are working with a text box or a date picker click the Data tab.

CASTDateToRemoveTime as DATE The best method to remove the time from a SQL datetime. In formatting operations custom date and time format strings can be used either with the ToString method of a date and time instance or with a method that supports composite formatting. Select the cell in which you have the time stamp from which you want to remove the time Hold the Control key and then press the 1 key.
Click Developer Visual Basic or press Alt F11 a new Microsoft Visual Basic for applications window will be.
Replacement string empty. Naturally this can be used for grouping by month day of week etc. How can I remove just the seconds and keep the rest of the DateTime format including AMPM within the query editor. To change the datetime format in angular we have to pass date time format parameter to the angular pipe as shown below.