Set Embedded Object To Run During. To click the embedded icon or link in order to. Create an object to access the task sequence environment tsenv New-Object -ComObject MicrosoftSMSTSEnvironment Query the environment to get an existing variable Set a variable for the task sequence log path LogPath tsenvValue_SMSTSLogPath Or convert all of the variables currently in the environment to PowerShell variables tsenvGetVariables Set.
Object in embedded mode. My benchmark also shows the solution is only 22 slower compared to TensorFlow GPU backend with GTX1070 card. Sub Test Dim embWb As Workbook Dim embSheet As Worksheet Set embWb ThisWorkbookSheetsLoginOLEObjects1Object Set embSheet embWbSheets1 With embSheetRangeA1 Value ValValue 1 ThisWorkbookSave IfValue 100 Then MsgBox Trial usage is over vbCritical ThisWorkbookName End If End With embWbClose Set embWb Nothing.
Select countprincipal into cnt from xds_ace where aclid acl_id and exists select null from all_users where username principal.
To do that right click the relevant boot image and go to properties. If it is accessible you can then tab around it and interact with it like any other application. Double click Inclusion list for moderate risk file types and Enable this too. Sub Test Dim embWb As Workbook Dim embSheet As Worksheet Set embWb ThisWorkbookSheetsLoginOLEObjects1Object Set embSheet embWbSheets1 With embSheetRangeA1 Value ValValue 1 ThisWorkbookSave IfValue 100 Then MsgBox Trial usage is over vbCritical ThisWorkbookName End If End With embWbClose Set embWb Nothing.